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Welmar Baby Grand Piano
Specialists in traditional & modern used pianos

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Welmar Grand Pianos


Traditional English Grand Piano in a Fiddleback Mahogany cabinet, Price: £5550.00 when Reconditioned & Re-polished.

Welmar English Baby Grand Piano awaiting Reconditioning & Re-polishing,
comes with 5 year parts labour warranty & matching stool once complete.

Welmar baby Grand  piano

Welmar baby grand piano closed.

Welmar brass inlaid name and showing the Ivory keys.

Welmar Grand Piano Name

Welmar grand piano cabinet

Example of the same model Welmar grand once re-polished.

Re-polished Welmar grand piano.


Piano Details

Model: Welmar
Traditional English
Colour: Fiddleback Mahogany
Finish: Satin
Year of make:
Roller Action: Yes
Re-polished: Pending
Reconditioned: Pending
Ivory Keys: Yes
Octaves: 7 1/4
Tone: Medium
Touch: Light
Suitable For: Classical & Modern Music
Warranty: 5 Years
Piano Stool: Yes (Adjustable)

Price: £5550.00 when finished
Rental: £N/A Monthly
Deposit Required: £N/A


Rent to Buy this Piano From: £N/A a Month on a 36 month Hire Purchase Contract with 0% Interest
Deposit Required: £N/A

Accessories: Matching adjustable Stool,
Five year parts and labour warranty.

Dimensions: Metric
Height: cm
Depth: cm
Width: cm

Dimensions: Imperial
Height: Inches
Depth: Inches
Width: Inches

Medium tone with a Light touch.

Traditional Welmar Grand piano with
a 88 note Ivory keyboard, awaiting reconditioning and re-polishing.


  For all enquiries contact Paul on
Phone: 07500 311 491 Email:
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Welmar Grand Piano