Paregal Pianos

Used Upright Pianos
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Steinbach Upright Pianos


Steinbach Traditional upright in a Mahogany or Black satin finish, awaiting restoration.
Price: £SOLD

Click Here to view a Satin Black Finish


Before having the old finish (Polish) removed, below is the Piano in its Original Finish.
As you can see the Cabinet is almost Black in colour.

steinbach pianos

After removing the old finish you are able to see the actual Quality and Colour of the Veneers,
we now have to prepare the surface of the wood prior to polishing to remove any left over
polish & repair any damage or inperfections etc.. by sanding the entire cabinet of the Piano.

Steinbach Piano Stripped

Below is the Actual colour of this Piano when Repolished, with a satin finish.
Once we have stripped, sanded and prepared the piano we then apply several coats of
lacquer to the cabinet as seen below, uncovering the true Grain and Colour of the veneers.
This is a typical Mahogany Veneer found on the Majority of Traditional Pianos circa 1920 when
the fashion was to have the cabinets finished almost Black as you can see in the first Photo above.

Steinbach Mahogany Satin Finish

Colour: Mahogany
Finish: Satin
Re-polished: Yes
Height: 128cm
Depth: 62cm


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