Piano Details
Model: Kemble Minx
Colours: White
Finish: Gloss
Year of make: 1960's
Overstrung: Yes
Underdamper: Yes
Re-polished: Yes
Restored: Yes
Ivory Keys: No
Octaves: 7
Warranty: 3 Years
Piano Stool: Yes
Price: £SOLD Restored
Rental: £N/A Monthly
Buy this Piano From: £N/A a Month
on a 36 month Hire Purchase Contract
with 0% Interest
Deposit Required: £N/A
Accessories: Three year parts and labour warranty.
Dimensions: Metric
Height: 92 cm
Depth: 55 cm
Width: 134 cm
Dimensions: Imperial
Height: 36 1/4 Inches
Depth: 21 5/8 Inches
Width: 52 3/4 Inches
Medium tone with a Medium touch.
Kemble Minx upright piano 85 note keyboard in a White Gloss finish.
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